Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

RT (Radiographic Testing)
An NDT method of inspecting container and pressure vessel welds for hidden flaws, using Ir-192 isotope, in accordance with EN 1435 and PED requirements.

MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)
An NDT process for detecting fatigue surface and subsurface defects. We conduct inspections using both dry and fluorescent wet detection particle powder applied to ferromagnetic materials to detect fatigue cracks, surface weld flaws, etc.

LPI (Liquid Penetration Inspection)
An NDT method used to locate surface-breaking defects. A suitable penetrant and developer is sprayed onto the surface of the material being tested to detect fatigue cracks in mostly non-ferrous drilling tool components as wells as welds.

VT (Visual Testing)
Inspections of welds, structures and constructions of selected equipment.

UT (Ultrasonic Testing)
An NDT technique conducted to determine with a high degree of accuracy the wear of materials, such as drilling tools, tubing, structures and pressure vessels, caused by operation and/or corrosion.
LT (Leak Testing)
Vacuum testing, using vacuum chamber pumps, to check storage container welds for leaks.

Dimensional Inspection
Important dimensions of drilling tools are periodically measured and classified according to their level of wear to avoid fatigue failure of drilling string components. The extent and evaluation criteria of the inspection are in compliance with API standards, DS-1 and customer requirements.